
Why Buyers Should Never Discount A Home By Inspecting Online Only

There is an old saying, that goes “Never judge a book by its cover” & this is the same when looking for property. Although agents try to show you everything that the property has to offer online through photos, video, floor plan, site plan& 3D virtual tours. The truth is these mediums cannot capture everything that a physical inspection can.


What can be missed by not physically walking through a home are things like, neighbouring properties, the true slope of the land, a great or bad outlook, or even just a good our badfeeling you get. These & many other reasons are why we always recommend our clients to physically inspect a home before discounting it.


Recently we were out looking for a buying client & was working on their brief, our job is to look at homes that we feel fit their brief but also look at other homes that on the surface don’t seem to, although they do tick a number of boxes. On this occasion we attended an auction of a property that we had put forward & had the client knock it back to inspect based on their time poor week & not getting a good feeling from their online inspection. We realised quickly that the location & outlook was exactly what they were after. We watched the property pass in & then pleaded with the client to look at it with an open mind.


We got them a long to a private inspection on the Easter weekend & they fell in love pretty much at first sight. We had some due diligence matters to work our way through, which we did & then began negotiations. Over the next few days we managed to secure the property within their budget as the ask price was well above their budget, in their words they didn’t think that their price would be enough to buy it.


The moral of the story is that you never really know about whether a home will suit you until you physically walk through, or have a buyers agent do the ground work for you,that always looks with an open mind. Our clients are so thankful that they didn’t miss their new Abode & we are very happy to have fulfilled their brief. If we can help you on your search journey please just reach out.

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